Ponut is made and delivered fresh to you everyday !
Our classic potato donut is first in town since 2015
No added preservatives on our donut.
We only use the high quality ingredients to craft our delicious donut
Founded in 2015 as one of the potato donut pioneers in Jakarta. We offer a wide selection of fresh potato donuts in a variety of flavours.
Ponut is made daily using only the finest ingredients. Premium potatoes are added to elevate the richness of the taste, the fluffier of the texture, and ensure you enjoy the nostalgic Indonesian taste every time.
Supported by the quality of the products, delicious fluffy taste, and high demand from #Sahabatponut we managed to open our first outlet in 2016. Currently, Ponut has its 12 self-owned outlets in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Tangerang.
Melalui outlet kami yang tersebar di seluruh jadetabek dan platform online (Gofood, Grabfood, Shopee Food), serta di E Commerce (Shopee dan Tokopedia)
Tidak, Ponut mengandung bahan lain seperti terigu, telur dan mentega namun 20% diantaranya dari kentang
Tidak, Ponut masih mengandung bahan Gluten
Ponut tahan di suhu ruang selama 48 jam. Untuk best consume, disarankan untuk konsumsi dihari yang sama dan simpan dalam wadah tertutup karena tidak mengandung bahan pengawet.
Bisa, Ponut melayani kebutuhan Big Order untuk Event acara khusus dan tersedia penyewaan booth